"SAMs Watch launches website with the latest dangers of synthetic drugs threatening young people" WebWire

Greenwood, IN – A website dedicated to informing young people and their parents about the dangers of synthetic drugs went live today. The URL iswww.samswatch.org.

SAMs Watch, an organization formed by Sam Motsay’s mother Jeanine Motsay, after Sam died tragically from NBOMe, posted the website. Sam, 16, an honors student and athlete, died May 11 after taking the drug, also known as 25I, N-Bomb and Smiles.  People including law enforcement had not heard about N-BOMe before Sam’s death (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j-kvaUAdlP4).

The website also features information about other synthetic drugs, including bath salts and cannabinoids, such as K-2 and Spice. “Our kids need to learn about the synthetic drugs out there from someone more knowledgeable than their peers,” Jeanine Motsay said. “Information can save lives. We don’t want other teens to meet our son’s fate or other parents to have to go through what we’re going through. Parents who are equipped with information can help their children to make good decisions.  Young people can make informed decisions.”

About SAMs Watch Inc.

SAMs Watch is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization to educate young people, parents and communities about the dangers of synthetic drugs.  For more information, go to www.samswatch.org